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Raw – Vibrant – Unapologetic


The paintings of Shirley Sakatani are borne from the twists and turns of major life changes; channeling emotion into large florals and koi in acrylics on canvas – bright, exploding, and full of movement.


A graduate of California State University in fine arts; Shirley hails from a creative family: Grandfather Yamashita was a renowned landscaper and designer of koi ponds as well as a prolific gardener. Father Bacon Sakatani is a well-known advocate for Japanese survivors of the internment camps in WWII; a photographer and an inventor.


A lifetime immersed in creativity inspires Shirley to teach others with a step-by-step method in painting in a variety of settings.  Her paint workshops include fun and colorful advice to students of all ages and is part of her ministry to share her gift of art.


Shirley's recent addition is her research into her Japanese American heritage in which she researches historical family events and personal childhood memories that come from growing up in Southern California in the 1960-1970's with a close knit family with immigrant grandparents.


Aside from the large paintings of florals, landscapes, koi and historical art,  Shirley wields oils into realistic, heart-warming portraits of pets; clients rave about the animation and personality captured in these smaller works.


The Sakatani style is a blend of strong composition, impressionist couplings, capturing light, layering and pushing colors, and emphasizing feeling over detail. The technique ranges from an explosive and wild view of nature to a graceful and warm embrace of creation.


Armed with decades of experience and love; Shirley Sakatani is unleashing new and powerful works for the world to enjoy.

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© 2015-2025 by Shirley Sakatani All Rights Reserved

Bremerton, WA 98312

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